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Emergency Shelter


Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County

Family Development Program - Emergency Assistance provided to individuals and families meeting criteria who are experiencing an unexpected crisis situation. Assistance includes food assistance, bus passes and shelter assistance. 

696 S. Tippecanoe Ave.
San Bernardino, CA  92408-2607
Office Hours:  8 a.m. – 5 p.m.


Children's Fund

385 N Arrowhead Ave, 2nd Floor
San Bernardino, CA 92401


Option House

Domestic Violence Shelter Services - Emergency Overnight Shelter; 60-day Temporary Crisis Intervention Shelter; 18-month Transitional Housing; In-House Resident Program; Advocacy; Counseling and more.

813 N. D St.  Suite A
San Bernardino, CA  92401
909-381-3471 - 24 Hour Crisis Hotline


First Chance

2130 N. Arrowhead Ave. Suite 104 B
San Bernardino, CA 92404





Housing Authority of San Bernardino County 

715 East Brier Dr.
San Bernardino, CA  92408-2841

Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Every Other Friday Closed)


Apartments for Rent



Medi-Cal coverage until 21 years for foster youth

All foster youth are eligible for Medi-Cal. Youth have the right to receive needed medical and dental care while in foster care and after they emancipate (see All County Information Notice No. I-117-00 accessible from the Home Page). Through the Extended Medi-Cal Program for Emancipated Foster Youth, young people whose dependency terminated at 18 or later can continue to receive Medi-Cal until their 21st birthday. It is important to take care of yourself and stay healthy, and there are services that can help you do that. If you are going to emancipate from foster care or you have already emancipated from foster care, contact your Independent Living Coordinator or your social worker to sign-up for the Extended Medi-Cal Program for Emancipated Foster Youth.

Medi-Cal Hot-Line

If you already have Medi-Cal and have questions about bills for medical care or pharmacy costs, you can contact the Medi-Cal Hotline at 916-636-1980. (You must have a current Medi-Cal card when you call this number.)

Children Now

Children Now is spearheading Coveredtil26, a statewide outreach campaign to ensure all former foster youth living in California know they are eligible for free Medi-Cal coverage until age 26. Previously, former foster youth in California lost coverage when they turned 21. Now, thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), young adults who were in foster care at age 18 or older are eligible for free health care until age 26. The ACA ensures that former foster youth can access the health care services they need – just like non-foster youth who can stay on their parents’ insurance plans until age 26.


Youth In Crisis





Covenant House

Provides 24-hour information, referrals and assistance to any youth in crisis regarding various topics such as family, relationships, feelings, suicide, basic needs, abuse, health, sex, drugs & alcohol, & running away.


California Youth Crisis Line


The California Youth Crisis Line is a statewide, toll free, 24-hour, confidential phone line available to young people between the ages of 12-24, and concerned friends and family members. CCY provides crisis intervention counseling on many issues including family problems, sexual assault, eating disorders, teen pregnancy, substance abuse, suicide and more. CCY offers support, encouragement, and referrals to youth needing assistance or in crisis situations. The California Youth Crisis Line connects an average of 12,000 callers with vital resources annually. Agencies as well as young adults from every county in California use the Crisis Line.


Domestic Violence Hotline


24 hours. Placement for women/children who are experiencing or threatened with domestic violence.


Parenting Youth


San Bernardino Child Care Resource Center

1111 East Mill Street, Suite 100
San Bernardino, CA 92408
Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm


Victorville Child Care Resource Center

14397 Amargosa Road
Victorville. CA 92392


Walden Free Parenting Classes




The Parenting Center

Parenting advice line 817-332-6399


Car Seats/ Booster Seats

San Bernardino Health Department - Car seat program

Locations: Colton, Ontario, Joshua Tree, Needles, Barstow and Victorville

800-782-4264, option 9

Low cost ($35) car seat and booster seats. Parent/guardian attends a 2 hour class.


Building a Generation - Car Seat Safety Program

932 W. Cypress Ave. Redlands, CA 92373


Car seat Clinics & Replacements. Bring your old car seat to a car seat clinic. You will receive training about car seat safety and a new car seat if necessary, based on the conditions of your car seat.


IEHP - Inland Empire


If you are pregnant or have a child under one year old and have IEHP insurance they will give you a car seat for free.


Nutrition/ Food Services


Helping Hands Pantry


1455 3rd St., San Bernardino CA 92408


Vida Life Ministry


11608 Cedar Ave. Bloomington, CA 92316


Rock Church/World Outreach Center

2345 S. Waterman Ave., San Bernardino CA 92408 



Hotline for Food(Learning to cook)


  • San Bernardino County 211
  • TTY 866-856-4749




Time for Change Foundation


  • Mental health & substance abuse treatment
  • Counseling
  • Mentoring
  • Support services


Cedar House Life Change

18612 Santa Ana Ave.
Bloomington, CA 92316


VArp Inc.

Gibson House for Men
1100 N. D St.
San Bernardino, CA92410

Gibson House for Women
1135 N. D St
San Bernardino, CA 92410


Inland Valley Recovery Services

1260 Arrow Highway Building C
Upland, CA 91768


St. John of God Health Care Services

13333 Palmdale Road
Victorville, CA 92392


Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance (RPYA)

RPYA is a support organization for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth and their families and friends in Southern California’s Inland Empire.

